Audit Files And Working Papers
Firm’s audit working papers or arranges that it can have unrestricted access to them on request. While a registered auditor may make such arrangements for its own purposes, the arrangements under the regulation are so that a review team (either the Institute’s Quality Assurance Department. Audit working papers are tool for accomplishing the purpose of audit. Audit working papers record evidence gathered by the auditor which will help him in arriving at his conclusions. Also they act as support for work accomplished. Working papers are tool for accomplishing the purpose of audit.
All documentation should be retained in an audit file
The audit file will follow the structure below:
Audit work carried out on each section of the financial statements (e.g. Non Current Assets, Inventory)
Completion and review
Auditors must document
What items were tested
Who did the testing
When was the testing
Who reviewed the work and when
Discussion of all significant matters with management must also be documented
Audit Working Paper
Planning Documentation (Strategy, plan, risk analysis)
Audit programmes
Summary of significant matters
Letters of confirmation / representation
Permanent and current audit files
Permanent audit files contain information of continuing importance to the audit.
The permanent file will include

Names of management, those charged with governance, shareholders
Systems Information
Business and Industry background
Title deeds
Copy of the company's legal constitution
Board minutes of continuing relevance
Previous years' signed accounts, analytical procedures and management letters
Engagement letters
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Audit Files And Working Papers Cxc

Current audit files
contain information which is relevant to the current year's audit.
They contain:
Financial statements
Accounts checklists
Management accounts details
Reconciliations of management and financial accounts
A summary of unadjusted misstatements
Report to partner including details of significant events and misstatements
Review notes
Audit planning memorandum
Time budgets and summaries
Representation letter
Management letter
Notes of board minutes
Communications with third parties such as experts or other auditors
Current audit files also contain working papers covering each audit area
These should include the following:

A lead schedule including details of the figures to be included in the financial statements
Problems encountered and conclusions drawn
Audit programmes
Risk assessments
Sampling plans
Analytical procedures
Details of substantive tests and tests of control