Crystal Reports 11.5 Sp4 Free Download

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  1. . Customers of an earlier version of SAP Crystal Reports are eligible to purchase a license of SAP Crystal Reports 2020 at an upgrade discount. Software patches for various versions of SAP Crystal Reports are available on this site.
  2. The latest version of Crystal Reports XI Release.NET Server is, released on. It was initially added to our database on. The most prevalent version is, which is used by 100% of all installations. Crystal Reports XI Release.NET Server runs on the following operating systems: Windows.

Crystal Report 11 Free Download Latest Version for Windows. It is full offline installer standalone setup of Crystal Report 11 Free Download for 32/64. Crystal Report 11 Overview. Crystal Report 11 is a very handy and useful application which can be used for creating impressive reports for Windows. Free crystal.reports 11.5 download software at UpdateStar - 1,746,000 recognized programs - 5,228,000 known versions - Software. » crystal reports 11.5 sp4 download.

Talking with customers and monitoring the .NET Development - BOE and Crystal Reports Forums , it is obvious that there is a lot of confusion regarding Service Packs for all the supported versions of Crystal Reports;

Where to download the Service Packs?
What do the version numbers mean?
Where do Fix Packs come into this picture?
Where are the runtimes for the various Fix packs and Service Packs?
Where is the documentation for the Fix Packs and Service Packs?

And more. In this Wiki, I will try to distill all of the above and more.

What do the version numbers mean?

Crystal Reports 11.5 Sp4 Free Download 64-bit

Up to Crystal Reports 2008, not much. Other than the higher the number, the more recent the product. With CR 2008, we have a pretty good logic to the numbering system. Lets' take version is version of CR 2008. .1 tells us this is Service Pack 1, .2 tells us this is Fix Pack 1.2 applied on top of Service Pack 1. The last three of four digits - what ever - not important. So as another example, if I have version, I know I am using CR 2008, Service Pack 3, Fix Pack 3.1.

Where do Fix Packs come into this picture?

Fix Packs are released after a Service Pack. Fix Packs are not as thoroughly tested as Service Packs. Fix Packs are rolled into subsequent Service Packs, but not all Fix Packs will be in a particular Service Pack. See my blog[Crystal Reports 2008 - Version and Download information for SPs and FPs|] for more information.

Where are the runtimes for the various Fix packs and Service Packs?

All runtimes can be found on the[Business Objects Support Software Downloads|] web page. My wiki, [Crystal Reports v. 9.1 to 12.x VS .NET Runtime Distribution & Supported Operating Systems|] summarizes all the runtimes and provides a link to each one. For latest update re. CR XI R1 and CR XI R2, see 'IMPORTANT UPDATE - June 3, 2011' bellow.

Where is the documentation for the Fix Packs and Service Packs?

For CR 2008, visit the[Crystal Reports 2008 Reference Service Packs, Fix Packs, Release Notes, Fixed Issues|] web page. Also, see the blog [Resolved issues for Crystal Reports & InProc RAS SDK for VS .NET|].
Earlier versions of CR are a bit trickier. E.g.; to my knowledge, there is not one page where you could go and find all info on a per SP or FP bases. In some cases the documentation is actually available from the [Business Objects Support Software Downloads|] () web page, so check there. And don't forget to use the search box at the top right of the SDN web pages.

Where to find updates for SAP Crystal Reports 2011 and 2013

Updates for CR 2011 and 2013 are available on the Downloads Portal. The Portal also includes updates for CR 2008 along with the MSI, MSM and CLickOnce files for the CR 2008 SDK for Visual Studio .NET.

Note: CR 2011 and 2013 does not install any SDK. For the SDK for Visual Studio .NET see the link


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All Service Packs and Fix Packs for Crystal Reports XI R1 and XI R2 have been replaced with Crystal Reports XI R2A. Download links for CR XI R2A are specified below.

Crystal Reports XI R2A SP4 Full Build - For users who need to upgrade from CR XI R1 to CR XI R2A
Crystal Reports XI R2A SP4 Incremental Build - For users with existing CR XI R2 installation - with Serice Pack 3 or lower
Crystal Reports XI R2A SP6 Incremental Build - For all users wishing to update their CR XI R2 or CR XI R2A install to Service Pack 6 (Recommended)

For more information on updating to Crystal reports XI R2A see the blog Where did all the Crystal Reports XI R1 and R2 fixes go?.

Crystal Reports versions, Service Pack and Fix Pack download locations table

. Visual Studio .

. SAP CR Product .

. Service Pack .

. Assembly Version .

. DLL File Version^ .


CR 9.1 (.NET Bundle)





CR 9.1 (.NET Bundle)





CR 9.1 (.NET Bundle)





CRXI R1 (11.0.x)





CRXI R1 (11.0.x)





CRXI R1 (11.0.x)





CRXI R1 (11.0.x)





CRXI R1 (11.0.x)




VS2003 / 2005

CRXI R2 (11.5.x)



VS2003 / 2005

CRXI R2 (11.5.x)



VS2003 / 2005

CRXI R2 (11.5.x)



VS2003 / 2005

CRXI R2 (11.5.x)



VS2003 / 2005

CRXI R2 (11.5.x)



VS2003 / 2005

CRXI R2 (11.5.x)



VS2003 / 2005

CRXI R2 (11.5.x)



VS2003 / 2005 / 2008

CR2008 (12.x)



VS2003 / 2005 / 2008

CR2008 (12.x)



VS2003 / 2005 / 2008

CR2008 (12.x)


VS2003 / 2005 / 2008

CR2008 (12.x)


VS2003 / 2005 / 2008

CR2008 (12.x)


VS2003 / 2005 / 2008 CR2008 (12.x)SP412.0.1100.
VS2003 / 2005 / 2008 CR2008 (12.x)SP512.0.1100.0
VS2003 / 2005 / 2008 CR2008 (12.x)SP612.0.1100.0
VS2003 / 2005 / 2008 CR2008 (12.x)SP712.0.1100.0


CR 10.2 (.NET Bundle)





CR 10.2 (.NET Bundle)





CR 10.5 (.NET Bundle)**




CR 10.5 (.NET Bundle)



VS2010 / 2012 / 2013

CRVS (13.x )



^Refers to DLL file versions in bin directories. E.g.; Crystal Reports 2008 - c:progran filesbusiness objectsbusinessobjects 12.0win32_x86

*Also known as Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008

Other condensed information regarding Crystal Reports (supported OS per version, etc., is available in the following sources:

KBA: 1318289 - How do i know which version of servers corresponds to which patch level? (SMP Login Required)

Crystal Reports v. 9.1 to 12.x VS .NET Runtime Distribution & Supported Operating Systems
What versions of Crystal Reports are supported on Windows Vista in VS .NET?
Which Crystal Reports assembly versions are supported in which versions of Visual Studio .NET
Crystal Reports 2008 - Version and Download information for SPs and FPs
1215826 - How to deploy an application that uses Crystal Reports and Visual Studio .NET?


This Document lists sample reports using the SAP Crystal Reports Designer.


The document contain links to Windows, as well as Web applications in VB and C#.


There are at least three 'flavors' of the Crystal Reports Designer:

Crystal Report Xi Sp4 Free Download

  1. The 'classic' stand-alone designer. This includes all versions of Crystal Reports pre version 9.x as well as Crystal Reports 10.x, 11.0.x, 11.5.x, 12.0.x, and 14.x.
  2. SAP Crystal Reports that bundle with Visual Studio .NET. This includes version 9.1.x (bundled with VS 2001 and VS 2002), 10.2.x (bundled with VS 2005), 10.5.x (bundled with VS 2008) and 13.x (a free download for VS 2010 and 2012 (support for VS 2013 coming end of Q1 2014).
  3. SAP Crystal Reports For Enterprise, version 14.x

The samples listed in this document were created in the 'classic' stand-alone designers. As the designer in the Visual Studio bundles is not fully featured, some of the design steps may not be applicable to those versions. Note that this is for the design steps only. A report created in the stand-alone designer will run with no issues in a runtime application. However, reports taking advantage of new features in later versions of Crystal Reports will obviously not function in older versions of Crystal Reports Designer or runtime applications. E.g.; dynamic or cascading parameters will not work in CR 10.x as these features were introduced in later version of Crystal Reports. Similarly, reports created in SAP Crystal Reports For Enterprise will not work at all in any other flavor of Crystal Reports - be it the classic stand-alone version or the Visual Studio Bundles.

Links to Sample Reports

Tutorials developed to help the report designer get started using the Business Intelligence Suite products

Four sample reports that demonstrate the creation of calendar style reports; Calendar Which is Populated With a Date Lookup Table, Calendar Which Populates All Dates in a Range, CalendarYearlyView, CalendarMonthlyView.

Seven sample reports show Crystal Reports' versatility and precision. Content include invoices, cheques, PSAT scores report, Dunning letter, financial statement, and project time sheet.15 Aug 2011

For BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.x or Crystal Reports Server 2008 only. This sample crystal report contains a javascript function that disables drill-down on sub-reports in the BusinessObjects Enterprise environment.15 Dec 2010

This sample crystal report shows multiple summaries by several time periods based on a user entered ending datetime.

Project Vegas sample Crystal report 01 Dec 2010

These Crystal Reports samples, based off the Crystal Reports Server 2008 auditing database schema, show how to extract useful information such as what content is being accessed, how it's being accessed, and who is accessing it.16 May 2010

This report demonstrates how a conditional If-Then-Else statement can be passed server-side by Crystal.11 Apr 2010

Sample Crystal Report showing an SPC - Process Control Chart. This report can be easily adapted to any data source.22 Mar 2010

This report is an adaptable sample that features dynamic grouping / drilldown, dynamic measures, and intra-report navigation.27 Jan 2010

This sample report shows how you can create a chart off of any number in Crystal Reports. Normally it is impossible to chart off of some values that are whileprintingrecords. This includes shared variables. This sample shows how to 'roll the values up' and use a subreport as a chart container.23 Dec 2009

This report demonstrates how to create a top of page index which contains the first letter or number of each group. The end user can go directly to the appropriate group using the index.04 Dec 2009

This sample is an interactive 'tag cloud' created with Crystal Reports. webElements functions are used to create the embedded html controls. This sample can be adapted to use any data set.02 Dec 2009

This sample shows how webElements controls can be 'staged' to cascade from the highest hierarchy level to the lowest level24 Nov 2009

Zip file of sample Crystal reports for Customer Relationship Management15 Jun 2009

Zip file of sample Crystal reports for the health care industry28 May 2009

Zip file of sample Crystal reports for finance.28 May 2009

Zip file of sample Crystal reports for Supplier Relationship Management28 May 2009

Zip file of sample Crystal reports for Supply Chain Management28 May 2009

This sample Crystal 2008 report demonstrates filtering and sorting.15 Jun 2008

'Open the report for instructions for converting GMT with DST.'11 Jun 2008

A multi-value parameter can be linked to a subreport in Crystal Reports. In this sample report, a formula @Multiple_Values_Parameter is created to display the values from Multiple_Values in Report Header c.11 Jun 2008

The purpose of this report is to change the way Crystal Reports sorts strings with special characters. This sample shows how to sort names with apostrophes. Crystal Reports appears to completely ignore the apostrophe and simply checks the next character.11 Jun 2008

This sample report demonstrates how you can convert a number with two decimal places to words.11 Jun 2008

This sample report shows how a Fake Page Header can be created. This is useful specifically in subreports. Subreports do not contain page headers in them. Main reports however do. In this sample report, a page header already exists.11 Jun 2008

Sample crosstab report with running totals11 Jun 2008

'This sample report displays groups across the page in separate columns so that each column contains a different group. The steps are: 1) Format the details section as multi-column by going to Format Section | - check 'Format with multiple columns'. Then'11 Jun 2008

This sample report demonstrates how different types of ODBC join types affect the recordset.There are four different ODBC Join Types: the most common of which are the INNER join and the LEFT OUTER join.11 Jun 2008

The v3 download includes sample reports that are installed under the Samples folder in the installation directory of Crystal Reports XI Release 2. However, some customers have had trouble finding these reports.13 Mar 2008

This report shows the results of a sample Customer Satisfaction survey using Crystal Reports.30 Sep 2007

This Business Intelligence Archive file contains a sample implementation of a BusinessObject Universe intended for viewing the output data repository populated by the BusinessObjects Text Analysis XI Release 2 Version 11.5 (for BusinessObjects Enterprise)16 Sep 2007

Crystal Reports 11.5 Sp4 Free Download Windows 10

Report Samples to accompany Advanced Crystal Reports Design presentation. See the 'power' of conditionally formatting a crosstab. Learn how to 'speed' up processing by using arrays instead of sub-reports. Find out how to build a chart that includes 'invisible'data. Learn how to 'mesmerize'through exciting drill-down reports with conditional formatting techniques.16 May 2007

A collection of reports that demostrate various ways of constructing crosstabs.

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