Georgia Guidestones Message
The origins of the Georgia Guidestones are shrouded in mystery. They have been nicknamed America’s Stonehenge. So now your asking, just what are the Georgia Guidestones? In short, they are a very mysterious and expensive granite monument standing nearly 20 feet tall in the middle of nowhere, near Elberton Georgia.
The “Message of the Georgia Guidestones” seems to call for at least 90% of the Earth’s population to be wiped out. The passage about maintaining humanity at a population of a half-billion or less would require a massive dying-off of humanity the likes of which we’ve never seen. A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese. The Georgia Guidestones And The Great Reset. You put out a very clear message stating an intention to wipe out most of the Earth’s population then no doubt the.
The reason they’re so mysterious is, not only the controversial messages carved into the Guidestones, but the people who talked to the man that ordered the Guidestones construction, and also paid for it, well it turns out, they were sworn to secrecy.
They would only say he was a well dressed, articulate man, calling himself R.C. Christian.
The Georgia Guidestones have four huge granite walls, and on each side of the walls are a set of guidelines, or commandments, that are carved into the stone in 8 different languages.
Each side of the four walls is written in a different language, English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Swahili and Hebrew.

So there are eight of the worlds most popular languages, plus four ancient languages.
Resting on top of the four tall pillars of the Georgia Guidestones, is a massive rectangular capstone.
This is where you’ll find the four different ancient languages, They’re carved into the sides of the capstone.

Most of the directives that are carved into the guidestones, which on their face seem to be pretty good, however, there are a couple of them that really have people concerned, mainly the first one.
It reads, Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.You have to keep in mind that there are nearly 8 billion people on the planet right now.
SkyWatch TV News on The Georgia Guidestones.
The biggest issues most people have with these guidelines are, how closely they parallel the United Nations Agenda 21, the depopulation angle, and the reference of humanity being a cancer to the Earth.
Many see these type of Globalist ideas as a threat to everything they hold dear. One thing is for certain, any time they try to sneak something in, such as Carbon Taxes or Agenda 21, they push the exact ideals your seeing on the Georgia guidestones.
Remember, it’s always either to Save the planet, or It’s for Your Safety. this always sound good right?
Thes Guidelines on the stones sound like exactly like Agenda 21. If you’d like to understand Agenda 21 better, and how it relates to a One World Government dictatorship, that the Georgia Guidestones are so openly promoting, Then read my Agenda 21 blog if you like. You’ll see how our homes and property are in danger of being lost if they’re able to push this through.
So where did these Georgia Guidestones come from? Well back in 1979, a man using the name R.C. Christian came to Elberton Georgia, and commissioned the Georgia Guidestones to be built by Elberton Granite Finishing Company.
Many have tried to find the identity of this R.C. Christian character, while the only thing for certain is that he used a made up name. There are theories of what the name can stand for, some believe that the RC Christian was used because it sounds like Rosicrucianism.
The R.C. could also stand for the Rose and Cross in their symbolism. Is Rosicrucianism or Freemasonry behind it? Now what’s Rosicrucianism? That could be an article all it’s own, but basically It’s a worldwide brotherhood claiming to possess esoteric wisdom, that has been passed down from ancient times.
They also have ties to Freemasonry. Are the Georgia Guidestone pushing a New World Order? The wording of the Georgia Guidestones implies there should be a world government. This doesn’t sit right with a lot of people.
The New World Order is an agenda that has been pushed on us for decades now. Although it may seem that a World Government could be a good thing, with the right people in charge. Remember, Hitler and all the other dictators, wanted a one world government.
Why are the Georgia Guidestones origins a secret? When it comes to the ten guidelines of the Georgia Guidestones, it begs the question, if these are such noble concepts, then why all the secrecy?
Another question has to be, how are they planning to get rid of 15 out of every 16 people?
Psychics are drawn to the Guidestones. Many occult members, psychics and new agers are drawn to the Georgia Guidestones, just like they are to Stonehenge and other such monuments. Most of these have astronomical alignments, and are located on ley-line locations.
They go there seeking the electromagnetic energy for what they feel is spiritual enhancement. So maybe the Georgia Guidestones really are America’s Stonehenge, in that aspect anyway. Hunting games for windows 7.
Mark Dice on The Georgia Guidestones.
So who was R.C. Christian? According to the documentary Dark Clouds Over Elberton, there may have been two people behind the name R.C. Christian. One is named Robert Merryman and Dr. Herbert H Kersten of Fort Dodge Iowa.
Robert worked at a Publishing Company and was supposedly the publisher of a book called Common Sense Renewed.This is the book that was written later by a supposed Robert Christian.
Then there’s Dr. Kirsten who is name is German for Christian, was a Catholic medical doctor that had strong beliefs encouraging birth control. This fits nicely into the first rule of the Georgia Guidestones and the population control.
Maybe we’ll never truly know the true Origins of the Georgia Guidestones? But the intentions of the Georgia Guidestones seem to be very clear, and fit perfectly into an admitted eugenics agenda, that has been publicly announced by some of our billionaires today.
Look into, reducing the worlds population with vaccines, you can find them publicly announcing this on camera in front of large crowds, some as large and notable as Ted Talk speeches. Your jaw may drop as you hear and see this said, and in front of a camera. Wow.
Call them Globalists, Elites or New World Order, they have so many names, just like Lucifer, Diablo and Satan. Any coincidence? These men are pure evil, intent on bringing down humanity. The Georgia Guidestones seem to be a playbook of their intentions, carved in stone.
The Georgia Guidestones
The Georga Guidestones are located in Elbert County, Georgia, approximately 90 miles (145 kilometers) east of Atlanta, and 9 miles (15 kilometers) north of the center of Elberton. The monument is situated on a rise a short distance to the east of Georgia Highway 77 (Hartwell Highway), and is visible from that road. Small signs beside the highway indicate the turnoff for the Guidestones, which is identified by a street sign as 'Guidestones Rd.'
The Georgia Guidestones are a huge granite monument located on a hilltop in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. It is sometimes referred to as the 'American Stonehenge,' a title that has been applied at times to a number of other structures, including Mystery Hill.

A message comprised of ten guides or commandments is inscribed on the monument in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient scripts.
The monument is almost twenty feet tall, and made from six granite slabs that weigh more than 100 tons. One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it.

A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned.
An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the monument, provides some clarifying notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.
The stones are placed so that a slit at eye level in the central upright slab permits an observer to view the eastern horizon and aligns with the position of the rising sun at the Summer and Winter Solstices. Through the center stone, from south to north, a two-inch diameter hole is inclined at an angle of 34 degrees and points to the North celestial pole. A beam of sunlight passing through a hole in the capstone forms a spot of light below. The position of the spot can be used to determine high noon and the day of the year.
The eye-level, oblique hole is drilled from the South to the North side of the center, Gnomen stone, so that the North Star is always visible, symbolizing constancy and orientation with the forces of nature.
A slot is cut in the middle of the Gnomen stone to form a window which aligns with the positions of the rising sun at the Summer and Winter Solstices and at the Equinox, so that the noon sun shines to indicate noon on a curved line.
The cap stone includes a calendar of sorts, where sunlight beams through a 7/8 inch hole at noon, and shines on the South face of the center stone. As the sun makes its travel cycle, the spot beamed through the hole can tell the day of the year at noon each day. Allowances are made because of variations between standard time and sun time to set the beam of sunlight at an equation of time. The site was chosen because it commands a view to the East and to the West and is within the range of the Summer and Winter sunrises and sunsets. The stones are oriented in those directions.
The story behind the guidestones is as mysterious as the monuments themselves. In June 1979 a well dressed, articulate man walked into theoffice of the Elberton Granite Company in Elberton, Georgia and said that he wanted to know the cost of building a large monument to the conservation of humanity. He identified himself as Mr. R. C. Christian and said that he represented a small group of Americans who wished to remain anonymous.
Altough Elberton is considered the granite capital of the United States, the president of the granite company was skeptical of undertaking a project of this magnitude and very skeptical of the stranger in his office. He asked Mr. Christian to speak to the company's banker, Mr. Wyatt Martin, thinking that would be the last he saw of him.
However, Mr. Christian went to the bank and explained to Mr. Martin that although his name was a pseudonym with symbolic meaning, he and the group he represented were very serious about erecting these guidestones for, 'the conservation of the world and to herald the coming age of reason. Should there be a holocaust in the civilized world, the group wished the guidestones to be one of the most enduring things to help humanity start anew.
Mr. Martin agreed to handle the funds and after an escrow account was set up, work began on the monument. Skilled workers quarried and cut the blocks, others sandblasted the message in 4' high letters, and still others hauled them to a hillside 7 miles north of Elberton where they were astronomically aligned with the North celestial pole, the noonday sun, and the rising and setting points of the sun and moon on the horizon.
A year after completion of the project the final correspondence arrived in Elberton from R. C. Christian and the group responsible for the guidestones. So far no one knows who this mysterious group is or why they felt compelled to erect the Georgia Guidestones and its message for mankind.
Controversy: A California man named John Conner has called for the Guidestones to be removed from public property saying they are an occult monument. He believes the name 'R.C. Christian' is actually a reference to Christian Rosenkreuz, the supposed founder of the Rosicrucians, a secret society dating back to the 15th century.
A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the monument from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. The message in English reads:
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth, beauty, love, seeking harmony with the infinite.
- Be not a cancer on the earth. Leave room for nature. Leave room for nature.
- Balance personal rights with social duties
A shorter message appears on the four vertical surfaces of the capstone, again in a different language and script on each face. The explanatory tablet near the Guidestones identifies these languages/scripts as Babylonian Cuneiform (north), Classical Greek (east), Sanskrit (south), and Egyptian Hieroglyphics (west), and provides what is presumably an English translation: 'Let these be guidestones to an age of reason.'
Explanatory Tablet
A few feet to the west of the monument, an additional granite tablet has been set level with the ground. This tablet identifies the monument and the languages used on it, lists various facts about the size, weight, and astronomical features of the stones, the date it was erected, and the sponsors of the project. It also speaks of a time capsule buried under the tablet, but the positions on the stone reserved for filling in the dates on which the capsule was buried and is to be opened are missing, so it is not clear whether the time capsule was ever put in place.
The tablet is with one edge to each of the cardinal directions, and is inscribed such that the northern edge is the 'top' of the inscription.The complete text of the explanatory tablet is detailed below.
The image abive shows the overall layout. The tablet is somewhat inconsistent with respect to punctuation, and also misspells 'pseudonym.' The original spelling, punctuation and line breaks in the text have been preserved in the transcription that follows.
The text of the tablet is as follows: At the center of each tablet edge is a letter representing the appropriate compass direction (N, S, E, W), contained within a small circle.
At the top center of the tablet is written:
Immediately below this is the outline of a square, inside which is written:
Georgia Guidestones Contains Depopulation Message