Is The Monster Symbol 666
Mum left terrified as mystery '666' symbol appears in frosty photo of children. Dolphins EXCLUSIVE The monster vessels drag nets a mile long which can bring in hundreds of tons of fish a day. The video claims that the three Hebrew LETTERS on the can which look like their number 7 in Hebrew which does mean 6 are really 666.However the letters 7= VAV in Hebrew depends how it’s used. God connects Heaven and Earth.Adam and Eve.One can be Hooked on Alcohol.Now in no way do you have a 6 connection in these words, and, hooked or connect.It’s just coincidental that it’s the 6th. The Monster Energy logo does not symbolize “666” in Hebrew numerical glyphs. Monster’s trademark is an “M” made to look like three claw marks.
Monster Energy Drinks 666 One of the most popular brand of energy drinks linked to numerous health problems possibly features the Hebrew numeral for 6 on its corporate logo forming the number of the beast, 666.
The 666 Symbol – Mark of the Beast
Why is the number 666 used as a symbol of the Antichrist?
by Dr. David R. Reagan
There are three good reasons this number was used. The first is the fact that in the Scriptures, the number of Man is 6 because Man was created on the sixth day. In contrast, the number of God is 7 because it represents completion and perfection, since on the seventh day of creation, God rested from His work which He declared to be good or perfect.
Now, in the Hebrew language, superlatives are expressed by repeating the word or phrase, the ultimate being its repetition three times. Thus, when Isaiah saw the Lord lifted up and exalted in the Temple, he heard Seraphim singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts” (Isaiah 6:1-3). The number 666 therefore represents the number of Man carried to its zenith.
The use of this number is most appropriate because during the Tribulation Satan will work to exalt his man, the Antichrist, as the world’s Messiah. Further, on the earth at that time there will be a demonic trinity who will represent the Humanistic aspirations of Man – Satan masquerading as God, the Antichrist pretending to be the Messiah, and the False Prophet mimicking the role of the Holy Spirit by pointing people to the false Messiah.
The second reason the number 666 is used is because of its symbolism in Jewish thinking. The Bible tells us that in the year in which King Solomon received 666 talents of gold, he turned his back on God and became obsessed with women, horses, and money (1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13). Thus, in Jewish history, the number 666 came to stand for apostasy.
The third reason the number is used is related to the fact that in both Hebrew and Greek, the letters of the alphabet also stand for numbers. This makes it possible to add up a numerical value for every name. The Antichrist’s name will add up to 666 in either Greek or Hebrew (or perhaps both) and will thus be an expression of the ultimate apostasy – presenting one’s self as a substitute for the real Messiah.
The Monster Energy drink company is denying claims that it uses satanic imagery on its cans, despite accusations featured in a YouTube video that went viral earlier this month.
The YouTube clip titled 'Monster Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!!!' features author Christine Weick and has garnered close to 7 million views as of Monday afternoon. The video makes the claim that the M used on the can represents the numbers 666 in Hebrew.
'There's a gap right here in the letter M, it's never connected,' said Weick, explaining what she believes is the true meaning behind the M artwork. 'So you go into Hebrew (writing). The letter vav is also the number six. Short top long tail.'
She then shows how the M on the can is comprised of three separate lines or vavs with a 'short top' and 'long tail' that would spell out 666 when viewed side by side.
'I could just tell you that it's not true,' Janet, a Monster Energy drink representative with the consumer relations deptartment (who declined to give her last name), told The Christian Post on Monday. 'The M claw represents [the letter] M scratched on the can and doesn't represent anything else.'
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Janet also briefly discussed the meaning behind the company's branding for the can, specifically the 'unleash the beast' slogan found on it that Weick says is related to the beast in the book of Revelation.
'It's just a saying,' Janet asserted. 'And anybody could represent it the way that they want to.'
Weick further claims that the BFC found on the front of the can stands for 'big [expletive] can.'

Janet told CP, however, that it actually stands for 'big fat can.'
She explained that anything found on the can 'is open to interpretation,' and that Weick's claims made in the viral video are false.
Weick also made headlines Friday when she interrupted an invitation-only Islamic prayer service held at the Washington National Cathedral. She created a commotion during the service when she proclaimed the name of Jesus and told worshippers inside to stay away from American churches.
'For those that say this is a country of freedom of religion, then I say let's play fair,' she said. 'Let us have a Bible study in their mosque. Let me pass out the Bible tracts at their mosque instead of having the police called out on me. Why can't Franklin Graham go into the biggest mosque in Dearborn, Michigan, and hold a prayer vigil on Easter Sunday there? They will not allow it because they are not tolerant of us. They wanted nothing to do with Christianity,' Weick told CP.
The service, held inside an Episcopal church, was meant to promote interfaith prayer and improve global relations between Muslims and Christians, according to its organizers. Weick decided to attend the event in order to voice her opinion on how the freedom of religion plays out in America.
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